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Viewpoint ‘Koskinas’


Before the 50s, the inhabitants of the village were supplied with drinking water from two springs. The fountain of Koskinas is located south of the village. Also known as the “golden spring of Farmakas”, the visitor will encounter a rare phenomenon. The water there gushes from the earth as if coming out of a sieve, clean and crystal clear – hence it’s name Koskinas – the Greek word for sieve. Today, timber sheltered tables and seating at the site of Koskinas, provide a cool shaded picnic area and facilities (incl public toilets) to enjoy the village view with the nearby calming sound of natural bubbling water.

Discover The Spot

Direction Map
Farmakas Gallery
Farmakas Gallery
Farmakas Gallery
Farmakas Gallery
Farmakas Gallery
Farmakas Gallery
Farmakas Gallery